Thanks for stopping by! I’m Stephanie Andrews, and I’m here to help you if you have any questions. Please contact us if you need an answer about pergolas or gazebos.
Portable pergolas, gazebos and pop-up tents have lots of advantages due to their lightweight and compact size. For example you can assemble many of them yourself and move them as needed. In addition, they usually offer a significant cost savings.
Furthermore, you can take portable cabanas to the beach, camping or the park. On the other hand, you can use winter bubble gazebos to protect you from colder temperatures or wind.
However, they also come with a few disadvantages. For instance, their non-permanent design makes them more susceptible to wind and heavy snow. And don’t expect the cheaper models to last as long as a hard top cedar pavilion.
I first got turned on to steel-framed pergolas, gazebos and outdoor canopies when I started designing outdoor rooms. These movable rooftops make it super easy and affordable to create outdoor living rooms, dining rooms and conversation spaces.
Many of them come with curtains and pull-down shades. So, they can be even better than your standard built-in wood pergola because they also keep out sun and wind (not to mention add some privacy). You can also purchase pergola curtains separately in a variety of different colors and patterns.
I could go on and on, but don’t let me do that to you. Enjoy yourself while you’re here at the website, and contact us if you have any questions!
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